How to Fasten Off in Crochet
Finishing your amigurumi creation is an exciting moment!
Let’s dive into how to fasten off in crochet and finishing amigurumi pieces, making sure your crochet critters are snug, secure, and ready for a lifetime of hugs.

Fastening Off in Crochet
When you’ve gotten to the end of your amigurumi piece (like a head or a body), it’s time to fasten off. Just snip the yarn, leaving a tail about 10-15 centimetres long. Thread this tail through the last loop on your hook, and give it a little tug to make a secure knot.
Alternatively, you can finish the round by chaining 1 or simply pulling the yarn through after you’ve cut it.
Like most things in crafting, there are several methods to fasten off in crochet and finish a working piece. Experiment and find out what works best for your style and gives you the outcome you desire.

Invisible Fasten Off
This technique is a neat little trick for finishing off a piece crocheted without leaving a gap or jog down to the next stitch.
When you’re finished with a piece that isn’t going to be closed up (like a neck) or finishing any project in the round (like a beanie), fasten off by snipping the yarn and pulling through, leaving a tail. Do not chain 1 or pull your tail through the loop.
Thread the yarn tail onto a tapestry needle.
Put the needle under both loops 2 stitches to the left (you’ll essentially be sewing a new stitch).
Pull through and put the needle under the back loop only of the final stitch of the round.
Pull until the stitch you’ve just sewed on is the same size as the top of your other stitches.
Weave the tail of the yarn inside the piece (on the wrong side).
Tip: This is a great way to fasten off items like beanies, coasters, or anything that’s worked in the round. It leaves a neater finish than a slip stitch and is nearly impossible to spot.

Closing the Final Round
To get that tidy finish on a closed piece (like a head or body), you have to hide the yarn tails and the hole left over from the final round.
Grab a tapestry needle, thread the tail, and carefully weave it in and out through the front loops of the last round.
Don’t remove the yarn from the needle, and pull tightly to close up the hole.
Push the needle into the piece and out the side in a gap between 2 stitches (just choose a place at random). Then back into the same gap and out another gap on the other side. Do this a couple times to secure the end, but don’t pull too tightly or you’ll warp the piece.
To finish, simply snip off close to the finished piece. The remaining tail should ping back inside. If not, push the tail into the piece with the back of your hook or carefully with a small pair of scissors.

Crocheting Together
In some patterns, you may come across a technique to finish pieces (like arms or legs) where you’re asked to crochet both sides of the piece together.
Start by squishing the piece flat in between your fingers and thumb. Put the hook through the next stitch and the last stitch as you’re holding both sides together. Make sure that you keep your working yarn tight.
With the hook through both sides, complete a single crochet stitch. Continue in the same way down the length of the piece. As you’re working flat instead of in a circle, you will end up with half the number of stitches as the final round.
For example, if you had a crochet piece with 18 stitches, then you will end up with a row of 9 single crochet when you stitch the piece together.